Topics: Employee Performance, Engaged Employees, Gaming, Blog, employee engagement, Loyalty Programs, Motivation, Rewards Program
A recent survey by” Globoforce” of over 700 full time employees which appeared in USA TODAY’S “Snapshots” focused on service anniversary awards in the workplace. The surprising results claimed that 51% reported no particular reaction or emotion involved with being the recipient of such a recognition gift.
Topics: Blog, Employee Appreciation
Topics: Engagement, Blog, Loyalty, Recognition Program, Rewards Program, safety
Viewed through my eyes, virtually everything relates in some way, shape, or form to employee engagement (EE). For me, this is further evidence that engagement should not be just an ancillary issue that safety folk consider only occasionally, when they are not focused on other, more normal, safety issues like PPE and training. In many ways EE has become the most important issue to contend with, and its power is only growing.
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Topics: Engagement, Blog, employee engagement
Special thanks to the amazing All Star Incentive Marketing employees who donated their time to help feed families currently staying at the Ronald McDonald house in Springfield, MA. All Star's generosity helped bring 'Maggie the Clown' to perform for the kids and it was a huge success! By the end of our visit, we were all energized and inspired by the idea that with such a small gesture of delivering home cooked meals and fun activities, we brought a happy, memory-making experience to group of kids who greatly benefitted from the gift of laughter. Ronald McDonald Homes are located near hospitals and provide housing for families with sick children who are undergoing treatment. Best wishes to each family we met at yesterday's event!
Topics: Blog