Very! Gallup reports that U.S. workers are among the most stressed in the world: 57% of North American workers (U.S. and Canada) report feeling increased stress as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, compared with 43% globally. Experts predict that a focus on the health and wellness of employees will be a key predictor of future success.
Topics: Employee Wellness, Employee Wellness Program, Corporate Wellness Program, Effective Wellness Program, COVID Impact
Does Your Wellness Program Appeal to Your Multi-generational Workforce?
Corporate wellness programs offer a host of benefits for both the employer and employee, including:
Topics: Employee Wellness Program, Corporate Wellness Program, Effective Wellness Program, Wellness Programs
Topics: Employee Wellness Program, Corporate Wellness Program, Effective Wellness Program, Wellness Programs
In honor of American Heart Month, we gathered some tips on Corporate Wellness Programs. What makes one program more effective than another? Here are 8 steps to designing wellness programs that work.
Topics: Employee Wellness Program, Engaged Employees, Fewer Worker's Compensation Claims, Gaming, Blog, Effective Wellness Program, Increased Productivity, Lower Absenteeism, Wellness