The pandemic has given people the opportunity to really think about their jobs and what is most important to them, contributing to the current “great resignation”. Retaining employees is now at the top of the list of concerns for many business owners and managers. How are the most successful companies retaining employees?
If you haven’t experienced it in your own company, perhaps you’ve heard news reports about the Great Resignation. Employees are leaving their jobs in droves; some for competitive companies and some for entirely new industries. How can we keep our top talent?
It’s that time of year: the dreaded yearly performance review. When managers struggle to think of things to talk about with the team members that report to them…and team members need to come up with things to justify a bonus or pay increase. There is a better way!
There are many documented benefits to a highly engaged workforce including increased productivity, a more positive company culture, and perhaps most importantly: lower turnover. In this era when more people are exiting the workforce than ever, the competition for capable and dedicated employees is fierce.
As many companies are still postponing events and group travel due to the pandemic, gift-giving remains an important way in which companies thank, reward, and recognize their employees and customers.
Olympic athletes that are citing burnout and mental health as the reason they’re dropping out of competitive events have been in the news. Athletes are not the only ones that experience burnout and mental health challenges; they exist in the workplace as well. Once an employee has lost motivation, it’s very hard to get it back. What are the signs of employee burnout and how can managers avoid burnout before it’s too late?
If you’ve waited this long to create a “Total Rewards” program that recognizes and rewards your employees in order to keep them more engaged at work, it’s ALMOST too late!
The effects of the pandemic have come at employers in waves, and some of the largest and most disruptive waves are still on their way. As Gallup points out in this article, employees these days have more options than ever and one of those options for many is simply to retire.
Look around your organization and you’re likely to see the early effects of retirements (and turnover as a whole) and ask yourself, “How much does it cost the company every time we lose a valuable seasoned employee?”
If you have never put a properly structured employee recognition/rewards program in place, you’ve lost the opportunity to blunt this first wave, but if you put one in place now you can at least stem the losses going forward and set your company on the right path for the future.
The 'Great Resignation' Is Really the 'Great Discontent'
Very! Gallup reports that U.S. workers are among the most stressed in the world: 57% of North American workers (U.S. and Canada) report feeling increased stress as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, compared with 43% globally. Experts predict that a focus on the health and wellness of employees will be a key predictor of future success.