
    Driver Safety & Cost Cutting – an Unlikely Match

    Posted by Brian Galonek on 03.12.2012
    Brian Galonek
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    Driver Safety is among the top priorities for fleet managers according to a new study by PHH Arval, a fleet management services provider. While driver safety is, and should always be, a top priority, the full story includes reference to a number of additional financially related goals, including:

    - Improved driver productivity
    - Improved fuel economy
    - Increased driver awareness
    - Better communications, and
    - Lower maintenance costs

    If this list of goals sounds familiar it is because it is virtually the same list of benefits provided by engagement (recognition / rewards) programs. Such programs garner driver attention at a higher level, and once safety manager have their attention they can more effectively improve a driver’s understanding about these issues. The results are typically a 4:1 return on investment for these cost savings/money making issues….and oh yes….also a much safer fleet!

    Topics: Blog, safety

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