A New Year is a time for lists! As we begin 2019, we thought we’d recap the top 5 blog posts from All Star Incentive Marketing in 2018:
Supported with research from the Incentive Research Foundation, we know that tangible merchandise rewards are the most effective reward vehicle for employee performance improvement. When rewards are matched to the program participant preferences – even more effective. Employees appreciate a more meaningful reward experience. The IRF finds that Brands matter (the brand name of the reward and its appropriateness to your company’s brand attributes), and the presentation of the reward itself matters.
Have you ever purchased something you didn’t need right now in order to take advantage of a special offer? Purchased cosmetics before you need them to get the free bag? Drove a few miles out of your way to buy gasoline at a station that offers cents off within a loyalty program? We’ve proven over and over that we’re willing to alter our behavior to take advantage of an incentive. Many studies prove that incentives are equally effective in the business world in changing behavior. Read this blog post on our website for some examples!
How important is the customer experience? It’s the culmination of every moment interacting with your company: from your marketing or website process to your sales reps or phone operators to the delivery experience and beyond. Every moment spent with that customer or end recipient reflects on you. How you manage the customer experience says everything about your brand. When the employee is the customer, are you intentionally consistent to your brand attributes? Read the rest of this blog post for the 8 questions to ask yourself when designing employee programs.
Peer-to-peer recognition is the genuine expression of appreciation exchanged between co-workers. Social recognition is the process of providing employees with the tools to create public and meaningful relationships with each other It’s been long established that employee recognition programs contribute to employee retention, increased performance, higher profitability and a host of other benefits. Click on the link to read the full blog post on our website and discover the advantages of social recognition!
#1 Blog post: OSHA’s Evolving Position on Safety Incentives
In this 4-part video series, All Star Incentive Marketing President, Brian Galonek, recaps OSHA’s clarification on Corporate Safety Programs. OSHA has acknowledged that Safety Programs provide a resource for companies when they are properly designed. You’ll learn what constitutes a properly designed program, the types of rewards that are most effective and why it’s a good idea to reward employees showing excellent performance as well as those who go “above and beyond”. Check out this 4-part video series for more info!
Thanks for visiting our website to read our blog posts each month. If you have a topic you’d like to see addressed, please let us know. We look forward to providing even more information in 2019 to help you reward, recognize, motivate and engage your employees and customers!