Hello from Fleet Safety in Schaumburg, IL! We have had a great show and heard about many interesting challenges related to driver safety. One of the things that has struck me the most about our visit is that so many people we have spoken with not only have driver safety concerns but also wellness concerns.
We have been talking about wellness for quite some time and 100% believe that it is directly tied to safety. The fact is that a workforce that is less healthy is less safe. In addition, those employees cost a company more overall whether it is related to insurance, lost time, or both.
I think one of the key takeaways is to analyze all of the factors that contribute to the safety of your employees. Sometimes, it’s not just the obvious. While making sure a driver doesn’t have an accident is paramount – consider that their health and overall wellbeing impacts their ability to stay alert, react quickly, move swiftly, and more. Focusing on wellness is another way to achieve a safer workforce and ultimately reduce claims and associated costs.