
    In with the new out with the old - but don't throw away that used computer

    Posted by allison on 12.27.2011

    With electronic devices changing so quickly some may be wondering what is the best way to discard the old.   Do my old electronics have any value, should I resell, should I donate to someone who could use them, where can I drop off products to be recycled?  All great questions and all depend on what the old electronic item is that you have to dispose of. Best Buy and Staples offer a cash-back program. Recyclebank allows you to earn points for recycling. has paid out over $25M for used consumer electronics. Close the Gap refurbs your old computers and sends them to underprivileged individuals in Africa.

    To help you decide what is best for you visit the following like for a variety of options.

    Topics: Blog, camera, cellphone, electronics, recycle, tv

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